
Jumat, 02 Maret 2012

Goat Roast Moroccan-style ribs

Category Cuisines: European

Presented For: 4 People

800 grams of rack of lamb
25 grams of coriander leaves
50 grams of butter
150 grams onions, thinly sliced
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1.5 teaspoons of salt
250 ml of boiled water

How to Treat:

A. Clean the rack of lamb fat from the fat attached, cut according to ruasnya, set aside.
2. Rinse cilantro roots following. Finely chopped coriander leaves, stems and roots left whole coriander leaves and set aside.
3. Heat butter, saute onion and garlic until fragrant. Put salt, grated ginger and turmericpowder and stir well.
4. Put rack of lamb, add water, stalks, and coriander root. Cook the ribs hinga tender andwater absorbed.
5. Add cilantro, stir, remove from heat.
6. Roast the ribs over hot coals until lightly browned, remove from heat. Serve warm.

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